Monday, September 28, 2009

Musing Mondays - Sept. 28

Do you keep a book wishlist, either on paper, Amazon/etc, or via a book database site (Shelfari, GoodReads, LibraryThing)? If yes, do you share this list with others (especially coming up to Christmas)?

I wish I had a better wishlist. I am just not that organized! I have several authors that I am always on the lookout for when I'm at book sales. I have on occasion brought a list with me so that I know what I have and what I need, especially when it comes to a series I am trying to complete.

If I see a book I want in a bookstore but am not willing to spend the money at the time, I have started taking a picture of the book with my cell phone. I have the title and author that way and can look for the book again. That's worked really well for me, even though I've gotten a few weird looks.

I don't usually ask for books at Christmas or my birthday. I would rather have a certificate to a book store. On occasion I'll mention a specific title but it's rare. I have very little impulse control and usually by the time I ask for the book and then wait for the holidays to roll around, I'll have bought it for myself anyway.


Nise' said...

Great idea to take a picture of the book. If I see one I want to read, but not buy, I try to find something to write it down on.

Brooke from The Bluestocking Guide said...

My wishlist isn't that good either. Here is mine