Wednesday, August 7, 2019

It's been a while.  I don't know why I stopped blogging back in 2012.  I would understand if I stopped in 2013 because that was a year of great changes but 2012 was status quo.  I was working at my old job, no big changes, I was reading a fair amount.  No reason to stop. But I did stop. 

I always intended to get back to it but then life did change dramatically and two jobs and a masters degree later, I'm finally ready to try again. And of course I decide to try again when I need to leave the house in 20 minutes, haven't done hair or makeup and I haven't made my lunch!  Sooo I'll probably go to Subway.  Let's be honest.  I've got to wake up the dog that's currently on my lap, post this and I'll come back to review some recent reads.  Lets do this!

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