Saturday, August 10, 2019


I finally finished Changeling.  I say finally because it was a short book (250ish) and it took me several days to finish.  The book started strong.  The character introductions were solid and made me interested in who these people were, how they would meet, and where the plot would unfold.  Overall it was just boring.  It should not have been boring!  There were "possessed" nuns in an abbey and a werewolf terrorizing a village!  A gang of teenagers and one cranky adult were set to find the truth!  This could have been 1400's Scooby Doo!  That would have been awesome!  I feel like the premise of this book was great.  The problem was that everyone took themselves too seriously.  There was very little humor or camaraderie.  The group wasn't really working together to solve the mysteries.  We didn't get to know the characters enough to care. The only character I enjoyed was the only one with a sense of humor and he was generally thought of as an idiot by everyone else.  I really can't see myself continuing this series which makes me sad.  It had potential.  It really did.

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