Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Thirsty by Tracey Bateman

, by Tracey Bateman was not anything like I anticipated. The big hook is that it's a Christian vampire story. Kind of. Yes, there are Christian themes, but it's not preachy in the slightest. It was subtle and because of that it will reach a wider audience. Yes, there is a vampire -actually two, but the story was really about a woman and her struggle with addiction.

Nina is a recovering alcoholic just out of rehab. She's divorced and estranged from her children. To make a new start, she moves back to her hometown to live with her sister. Her daughter comes with her for the week in order to try to get their relationship back on track. While in her hometown, she faces her parents for the first time in years, along with an ex- boyfriend.

The vampire, Markus, provides a friend for Nina as she struggles in her first days out of rehab. The correlation between an addict and a vampire is definitely present as Markus' thirst for blood parallels Nina's thirst for alcohol.

Don't expect Twilight. This is not a romance novel. This is a book about fighting the past, finding forgiveness and moving into the future. This is an adult novel but would be appropriate for some older teens.

I'm giving away a brand new paperback copy of this book! If interested please comment to this post. . . right. . . here.

To purchase the book for yourself you can go to

*This book was provided for review by the WaterBrook Multnomah Publishing Group.

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Teaser Tuesday - November 17

Today's teaser comes from the novel Thirsty by Tracey Bateman. It's a very different vampire story that is really less about the vampire and more about a woman's struggle with alcohol and dealing with her past.

From Page 208

The secret was so well preserved that the thought of opening up the jar of truth seemed foolish, dangerous even, as though the release of pressure might cause an explosion. Nina wasn't sure she was strong enough to let it out.

I'm giving away a copy of this book if anyone is interested. Just add a comment to the post below this one or click here and then comment.

Book Giveaway. . . Thirsty by Tracey Bateman

This is a very different vampire book. It's a Christian vampire book! That's different! I'll post my full review on Wednesday but the story is not typical of the vampire books that are popular right now. The story revolves around Nina, a divorced mother who is a recovering alcoholic. She just happens to move next door to a vampire. The Christian tones are very subtle and yet the focus on forgiveness is prevalent.

If you are interested in winning a brand new paperback copy of this book, please leave a comment to this post. Giveaway is open to those in the U.S. only as shipping costs can get pricey. I'll choose a name at random on Monday, November 23. Good luck!

Blogging Break

I always used to get so frustrated when I'd be enjoying a blog and all of a sudden there were no new posts. For days, months, etc. I always felt like they were responsible for keeping me entertained and it made me sad/worried/disappointed when there was nothing new for a long period of time.

Then I stopped blogging. I can't believe it's been a month since I last posted here. I know what happened. I got tired and stressed. That led to finding other ways to occupy my time which wasn't blogging. Then I went to Italy and that was a week gone. And then. . . Jet lag. Let's be clear here, it exists and it isn't pretty. I felt like I floated through the last week. I'm back now. Things are good. I'm motivated and I have several books to review. I'm going to get things kicking with a contest.

See the next post for the contest. . . . It should be above this one. Look up.